by Betapsi Author | Mar 15, 2021 | Betababble
How many times have we heard that humans evolved out of monkeys, and the many theories trying to explain human birth – from both religious and scientific perspectives? This will forever be a war of theories. Today, we will be looking at a bio-evolutionary...
by Betapsi Author | Mar 8, 2021 | Betababble
Travelling has always been a way to explore one’s limits, but unfortunately, people tend to forget the significance of it in terms of discovering one’s true selfever since it became so overwhelmingly popular. Being an integral part of life, it is a way to...
by Betapsi Author | Dec 21, 2020 | Betababble
Murder is most definitely a grave and emotional topic– yet people are so fascinated by it. Agatha Christie, who wrote 66 murder mysteries in her career, remains the third most printed and sold author of all time, following the Bible and William...
by Betapsi Author | Dec 14, 2020 | Betababble
Once upon a time … As a kid, I grew up hooked to Disney and all its characters and stories. I used todream about Prince Charming and my own ‘Happily Ever After’. Nowadays, as aPsychology student, I have become more aware of the discrepancy between thesefairy...
by Betapsi Author | Dec 7, 2020 | Betababble
It happens to the best of us. You haven’t eaten in a while; your stomach is grumbling and all of a sudden, that annoying pen-clicking colleague becomes way too much to bear and you lash out! This is called being hangry. Basically, it is the grumpiness or...
by Betapsi Author | Nov 30, 2020 | Betababble
The teachings of Stoicism have been followed by both Emperors (Marcus Aurelius) and slaves (Epictetus) alike. It has provided solace for statesmen (Seneca) and senators (Cato). But does a 2,000-year-old philosophy have anything to teach us in the modern age? Clayton...