by Betapsi Author | Nov 23, 2020 | Betababble
Domestic Violence: Not just husband and wife, not just black and blue Domestic violence is defined as any violence that takes place between intimate partners. Unfortunately, however, many people do not realise that it encompasses much more than the stereotypical image...
by Betapsi Author | Nov 12, 2020 | Betababble
Abba – we know them, we love them. Topping musical charts in the 70s, thisSwedish pop group remains famous up to this day, with probably their most popularsingle being Mamma Mia – a song we all sing along to heartily whenever it pops upon the radio. But do we really...
by Betapsi Author | Nov 11, 2020 | Betababble
If we observe the many people around us, we can easily note how many people exercise the concept of ‘external locus of control’. In short, this concept explains the tendency of an individual to exert responsibility on external factors, rather than...
by Betapsi Author | Nov 11, 2020 | Betababble
Sometimes children prefer their grandparents over their own parents. Grandparents treat them better, they’re nicer and they give them their favourite food. Parents are usually quite jealous, and say that back in the day, the grandparents weren’t always that...
by Betapsi Author | Nov 11, 2020 | Betababble
‘People with narcissistic personality disorder have a grandiose view of their abilities and are preoccupied with fantasies of great success’ (Kring, Johnson, Davidson & Neale, 2012). It took me nearly four years to finish my bachelor’s degree in...