Betapsi strongly denounces the recent case of neglect displayed towards Mount Carmel Hospital. It is deeply concerning that the country’s mental health care facility remains ill-equipped to handle the increasingly frequent power failures.

Ensuring uninterrupted power supply is essential to facilitate continuous care and treatment for both staff and patients. Mental health services in Malta do not receive the level of respect and attention they deserve.

To date, a new hospital promised by the minister for health has yet to materialise, instead leaving workers and patients to make do with inadequacies as highlighted by the 2018 auditors report.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the critical need to prioritize proper infrastructure maintenance, emergency preparedness, and adequate funding in healthcare facilities. Swift and sustainable action must be taken to protect the well-being of patients and establish an environment conducive to delivering high-quality care by healthcare professionals. A new hospital is long overdue, along with a cultural shift wherein mental health wellbeing is given the importance it is due.